College of Design Phase 2 Lighting

Project Description:

The lighting systems inside the College of Design building use a combination of fluorescent, incandescent, metal halide, and mercury vapor lamp sources. The lighting system has not been retrofitted from original construction. This project implements a new lighting strategy for all the Design College building classrooms, laboratories, and public areas. Implementation of this strategy includes the installation of energy-efficient fluorescent lighting, day-lighting controls (stepped controls, dimming controls, switch controls) and occupancy sensors.

Specifically, this project completes the following bundled items:

  • Daylighting switch control of perimeter studio/classrooms
  • Classroom occupancy sensor control
  • Storage occupancy sensor control
  • Conference room occupancy sensor control
  • Computer lab occupancy sensor control
  • Classroom retrofit with Super T8 bulbs with electric ballasts
  • Computer lab retrofit with Super T8 bulbs with electric ballasts
  • Private office retrofit with Super T8 bulbs with electric ballasts
  • Open office retrofit with Super T8 bulbs with electric ballasts
  • Shop retrofit with Super T8 bulbs with electric ballasts
  • Restroom retrofit with Super T8 bulbs with electric ballasts

The lighting strategy project will be completed in two phases. Building areas completed in each phase will be dependent upon occupancy requirements. Phase 2 funding is for completion of bundled items to be completed in FY10.

Project Contact:

Luis Rico-Gutierrez, College of Design Dean, 515-294-7427,

Project Financials:

Loan Amount: $100,000

Return on Investment: Total project costs are estimated at $293,100. Expected annual savings equals $37,092/year with a payback period of 4.6 years.

Project Outcomes:

In addition to annual budget savings for ISU and Iowa taxpayers, the College of Design has an opportunity to showcase significant reduction in energy consumption while improving its interior and exterior environmental performance in one of the most extensively used buildings on the ISU campus. The improvements made in the existing building will complement, both in focus and function, the accompanying King Pavilion facility. In all facets of a learning, working, and strategic planning environment, as the College of Design represents, implementing energy efficiency products and processes, as outlined above, provide a unique and valuable ongoing demonstration for students, faculty, staff and donors.

Project Status:



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