Student Wellness enhances the holistic health, wellbeing, and safety for all students through prevention and health promotion strategies that support academic success, promote student development, and achieve health equity.
Health & Wellness


Iowa State sometimes feels like it's its own little world, but we are very much connected to all of Ames, all of Iowa, nationally, even globally, in the work that we do. As we look at how we support our people, communities play an incredible role.
Stephanie Downs, ISU WellBeing Coordinator
Achieving long-term economic, environmental and social sustainability might prove impossible without acknowledging the vital role that self-sustainability plays in our own lives, as the capacity to thrive in any given environment — whether that be the classroom, office, home or elsewhere — is directly tied to personal well-being. In recognizing the importance of self-care, businesses and institutions across the globe are now placing greater emphasis on the health and wellness of the individuals they support. Iowa State is no exception and remains committed to creating a culture of well-being where all students, faculty and staff can achieve their personal and professional goals.
Two of Iowa State's newest campus-wide initiatives represent the university's growing commitment to well-being: ISU WellBeing, which was established in 2014 and provides resources to faculty and staff, and Student Wellness, which was established in 2017 and serves undergraduate and graduate students. Although each program offers unique services tailored toward its respective population, ISU WellBeing and Student Wellness remain each other's greatest ally in striving toward a campus that supports all individuals. Student Wellness is part of the Student Health and Wellness unit that also includes Thielen Student Health Center, Recreation Services, and Student Counseling Services. Student Health and Wellness works together to provide integrated, holistic health and wellness services for students. Both programs also work closely with numerous other campus and community partners, including Healthiest Ames and ISU Extension and Outreach.
Although physical fitness is often the most well-known component of personal well-being, ISU WellBeing and Student Wellness emphasize many other factors of equal importance in our lives, including our emotional, mental and spiritual selves. By valuing the many intricate components that make up an individual, Iowa State ultimately has a greater capacity to better the university as a whole, as well as the Ames community. Read on to learn more about these programs and begin your own journey toward well-being!