Live Green! Calendar

Interested in keeping up with the many sustainable happenings on campus and in the Ames community? Subscribing to the Live Green! Calendar will keep you in the loop.

Subscribe to the Live Green! Calendar.

Do you know of something happening on campus or in the Ames community that connects to environmental, economic or social sustainability? Share it with us, as we would love to hear from you!

Submit your event to the Live Green! Calendar.


  • Rummage RAMPage

    27 Jul 2024 8:00 am @ Ames Intermodal Facility, 128 Hayward Ave. - A community sale during the community's annual summer move-out/lease changeover (July 26-Aug. 3), designed to keep reusable items out of the waste stream and landfill. Most items are priced between $1 and $50. Proceeds benefit ISU student organizations and community nonprofit organizations providing volunteer hours during the event. Hosted by the City of Ames and ISU Office of Sustainability.

  • Rummage RAMPage

    28 Jul 2024 10:00 am @ Ames Intermodal Facility, 128 Hayward Ave. - A community sale during the community's annual summer move-out/lease changeover (July 26-Aug. 3), designed to keep reusable items out of the waste stream and landfill. Most items are priced between $1 and $50. Proceeds benefit ISU student organizations and community nonprofit organizations providing volunteer hours during the event. Hosted by the City of Ames and ISU Office of Sustainability.

  • Rummage RAMPage

    29 Jul 2024 12:00 pm @ Ames Intermodal Facility, 128 Hayward Ave. - A community sale during the community's annual summer move-out/lease changeover (July 26-Aug. 3), designed to keep reusable items out of the waste stream and landfill. Most items are priced between $1 and $50. Proceeds benefit ISU student organizations and community nonprofit organizations providing volunteer hours during the event. Hosted by the City of Ames and ISU Office of Sustainability.

  • Rummage RAMPage

    30 Jul 2024 12:00 pm @ Ames Intermodal Facility, 128 Hayward Ave. - A community sale during the community's annual summer move-out/lease changeover (July 26-Aug. 3), designed to keep reusable items out of the waste stream and landfill. Most items are priced between $1 and $50. Proceeds benefit ISU student organizations and community nonprofit organizations providing volunteer hours during the event. Hosted by the City of Ames and ISU Office of Sustainability.

  • Rummage RAMPage

    31 Jul 2024 12:00 pm @ Ames Intermodal Facility, 128 Hayward Ave. - A community sale during the community's annual summer move-out/lease changeover (July 26-Aug. 3), designed to keep reusable items out of the waste stream and landfill. Most items are priced between $1 and $50. Proceeds benefit ISU student organizations and community nonprofit organizations providing volunteer hours during the event. Hosted by the City of Ames and ISU Office of Sustainability.

  • Rummage RAMPage

    01 Aug 2024 12:00 pm @ Ames Intermodal Facility, 128 Hayward Ave. - A community sale during the community's annual summer move-out/lease changeover (July 26-Aug. 3), designed to keep reusable items out of the waste stream and landfill. Most items are priced between $1 and $50. Proceeds benefit ISU student organizations and community nonprofit organizations providing volunteer hours during the event. Hosted by the City of Ames and ISU Office of Sustainability.

  • Rummage RAMPage

    02 Aug 2024 12:00 pm @ Ames Intermodal Facility, 128 Hayward Ave. - A community sale during the community's annual summer move-out/lease changeover (July 26-Aug. 3), designed to keep reusable items out of the waste stream and landfill. Most items are priced between $1 and $50. Proceeds benefit ISU student organizations and community nonprofit organizations providing volunteer hours during the event. Hosted by the City of Ames and ISU Office of Sustainability.

  • Rummage RAMPage

    03 Aug 2024 8:00 am @ Ames Intermodal Facility, 129 Hayward Ave./129 Sheldon Ave. - A community sale during the community's annual summer move-out/lease changeover (July 26-Aug. 3), designed to keep reusable items out of the waste stream and landfill. Most items are priced between $1 and $50. Proceeds benefit ISU student organizations and community nonprofit organizations providing volunteer hours during the event. Hosted by the City of Ames and ISU Office of Sustainability.

  • Yoga 101: What Is It and Why Do We Do It?

    19 Sep 2024 6:00 pm @ Garden Room, Reiman Gardens - More info to come. Please note: This lecture will not be recorded.

  • The Rural Voter: The Politics of Place and the Disuniting of America

    03 Oct 2024 6:00 pm @ Lee Liu Auditorium, Howe Hall - This lecture will be based on the eponymous book that pinpoints forces behind the rise of the “rural voter”—a new political identity that combines a deeply felt sense of place with an increasingly nationalized set of concerns. Combining a historical perspective with the largest-ever national survey of rural voters, Nicholas F. Jacobs and Daniel M. Shea uncover how this overwhelmingly crucial voting bloc emerged and how it has roiled...