Principles of Community

Students in desks taking notes.

An integral component of sustainability is ensuring a foundation to cultivate a welcoming and engaging environment - embracing diverse communities and the unique voices they support. With increasing challenges related to climate, resource needs and resiliency, it is more relevant than ever to work collectively in ensuring connection and community. As a leading research institution with students, faculty and staff from more than 125 countries, Iowa State is uniquely positioned to create opportunities that simultaneously support inclusion, as well as envision innovative solutions to the global challenges that impact us all.

Developed through a student government lead effort that began in 2005, six Principles of Community are the ubiquitous bedrock cultivating the vision throughout the Iowa State campus community - Respect, Purpose, Cooperation, Richness of Diversity, Freedom from Discrimination and Honest and Respectful Expression of Ideas.

These foundational principles are also embedded values within the University's 2022-2023 Strategic Plan and offer a framework to support Iowa State University's Statements of Aspiration - specifically "to be the university that cultivates a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment where students, faculty, and staff flourish."

For more information, visit Iowa State University's Principles of Community website.