2022-23 Featured Students

Start Something College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (October 2022)

During the 2022-2023 academic year, Student’s Living Cardinal, Gold, and Green will celebrate each college’s commitment to optimism and innovation through their Start Something initiatives, and feature some of their many students ensuring innovative solutions toward a sustainable future. This month, the Start Something College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Program is celebrated.


Start Something College of Engineering (November 2022)

With November being so closely connected to gratitude and giving back to the community, this month’s contribution to Students Living Cardinal Gold and Green celebrates the value-oriented and creative solutions that Start Something College of Engineering has achieved. Start Something College of Engineering offers a unique approach to innovation in offering moments of gratitude by envisioning and developing new products and services through their engineering entrepreneurial expertise.


Start Something College of Human Sciences (December 2022/January 2023)

With the objective that innovation emerges and flourishes in a culture in which the opportunity for creative thinking and doing is provided, the College of Human Sciences offers a multi-faceted Start Something platform. One that ensures each student’s pursuit of a unique adventure (and triumph) in innovation and entrepreneurship. Adventure avenues are offered through three main pathways: immersive innovation, hands-on experiences and core offerings.


Start Something College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (February 2023)

In the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, students with a passion for innovation and entrepreneurship can get involved with the LAS Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I+E) Academy; a two-year experience available to students in all LAS majors. Key features of the program include academic opportunities including project-oriented courses, student incubators, product development assistance and internships. This month, the Start Something Program in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is celebrated.


Start Something College of Design (March 2023)

Bringing out the innovator in every Cyclone, the Start Something Network goes above and beyond to provide students with endless academic opportunities and experiences to students in each of Iowa State University’s colleges. This month, we commemorate the Start Something Program in the College of Design, where the program specifically focuses on interdisciplinary innovation, with emphasis on empowering students to be leaders in social and civic change.


Start Something Ivy College of Business (April 2023)

Entrepreneurship has been a major theme at Iowa State for over 25 years. Much of it revolves around the Ivy College of Business Start Something Program, where supporting entrepreneurs is at the heart of their work. The Ivy College of Business prides itself on innovative experiences and opportunities for students to start their own businesses, hire employees and become the engine of our economy. This month, the Start Something Program in the Ivy College of Business is celebrated.


Start Something College of Veterinary Medicine (May 2023)

Iowa State’s College of Veterinary Medicine is ranked as the 14th best veterinary program in the country and is fully accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association. There are four options available in the program: small animal, equine, mixed animal and food animal. Each program consists of core courses to ensure a strong foundational knowledge and additional courses specific to each option. There are a variety of ways for students to get involved with research through on-campus opportunities and summer internships, and a wide range of research centers, institutes and initiatives that allow students to get involved in areas of interest.


Previous Year Student Features

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