Energy & Climate: Social Sustainability 

  • Iowa State University has many “demonstration projects” that are used for student research, including a wind turbine installed in 2013, and solar panels installed in 2015. 
    • Utility Services collects data from these demonstration projects, as well as the wind farm, to share with students and the public.
  • Iowa State is part of the Big 10 & Friends Utility Group. The group consists of about 25 universities, which meet each spring. These universities support each other with communication about various topics related to energy on an ongoing basis.
  • Utility Services provides opportunities to tour the power plant. Each year, 700-800 students tour and learn more about it.
  • Utility Services promotes well-being by monitoring how much light is in a room to ensure lighting levels that support maximum performance of students, faculty and staff.
  • The staff at the power plant partners with Live Green!, gives lectures, connects with Student Government, as well as partners with various student groups, to increase education and awareness regarding ISU's commitment to renewable energy and the campus community's opportunity to monitor ISU's real-time energy consumption.
  • Utility Services' Energy Dashboard monitors campus energy use on a daily and hourly basis.