Design Across Boundaries


Design Across Boundaries is a student led organization composed of staff, students, and professionals committed to improving the quality of life for people in need through sustainable and innovative design. Our goals are to; (1) create design solutions for people within the local community and throughout the world that are in need of such services (2) educate the public about our collective need for design and provide resources and knowledge necessary to meet that need (3) to demonstrate how design can benefit humanity and meet the needs of people in our global community (4) promoting sustainable environmental, social, and economic design.

Projects and efforts that support Live Green!: 

We promote project design that is sustainable environmentally, socially, and economical. We also serve locally in order to promote and advocate a sustainable community. We share in similar vision and goals as the Live Green! program and exemplify them within the work that we do. We want to have a presence in our community both locally and globally, and with that we want to advocate a sustainable lifestyle in all that we do. 

Specifically, this semester we are designing a community center in Haiti. Also, we serve locally, such as with the College of Design Recycling program, and with the construction of an earth ship, a highly sustainable building method.


How to Get Involved: 

 If you are interested in DaB, please email Zach Sunderland at, for more information or attend one of the weekly meetings. 

Meeting Times and Places: 

 We meet in room 077 in the College of Design each Wednesday at 7-9pm

Contact Information:
Contact Email: