News and Events

  • Diversity Panel Offers Insights to Future Administrative Staff

    Friday, March 17, 2017
    The idea of having a workshop series to help students of color find careers in academia was inspired by a group of African-American women who were having breakfast together sometime in January 2016.
  • Student Event Showcases Pakistani Culture

    Friday, March 10, 2017
    The Pakistan Student Association sponsored Pakistani Chai to inform people of their country’s culture Thursday night in the Memorial Union. The night consisted of snacking on traditional Pakistani foods, free bowling and billiards, dancing and music.
  • Global Resources Student Uses Community-Building Skills in Panama

    Friday, March 10, 2017
    During the 2016 fall semester, Myers interned in Panama, where she helped build a new village, Kalu Yala, with people from across the United States. After the 10-week program, Myers set out to travel with a friend before returning to Iowa.
  • Group Offers Safe Place in STEM Field for LGBT Members

    Thursday, March 9, 2017
    A new student organization, oSTEM, is working to develop and improve networking opportunities, mentorship connections and professional and leadership development for their community within STEM fields. The organization's first meeting was held Wednesday.
  • Professor Creates Innovative Technology to Assist Students Across the World

    Thursday, March 9, 2017
    She was part of the team that developed the Diagnostic Pathfinder, which helps veterinary clinical pathologists practice reasoning skills and analyze data. It is used by more than 25 universities across the world.
  • Panel Celebrates Diversity in the Arts

    Thursday, March 9, 2017
    The classroom in Morrill Hall was packed full as the panel, hosted by University Museums Director Lynette Pohlman, answered questions from the audience. The panel included Tin-Shi Tam, Jane Cox, Ingrid Lilligren, Letitia Kenemer and Deb Marquart.
  • ISU to Conduct Climate Assessment in 2018

    Thursday, March 9, 2017
    Iowa State President Steven Leath announced plans to conduct another campus climate assessment next year in a letter to the Iowa State community Wednesday. The assessment will take place during the 2017-2018 academic year.
  • Students Share Identities at Diversity Event

    Thursday, March 9, 2017
    Inspired by a Lee Mun Wah lecture in January, the Diversity Committee wanted to host a similar activity to bring awareness about the different identities and backgrounds of some students who aren't always represented on campus.
  • Campus to Research Bakken Pipeline's Impact on Iowa Farmland

    Wednesday, March 8, 2017
    Over a period of five years, researchers hope to gain a better understanding about the impact of construction utilities equipment, field traffic and deep tillage on crop yield and soil compaction, according to to a press release by the university.
  • Culinary Boot Camp Cultivates Nutritional Skills

    Tuesday, March 7, 2017
    The sizzling sounds of beef as it fried in hot oil, the gentle popping of sugar as it caramelized bananas on the stove and the rhythmic chopping as knives sliced through veggies filled the hallways of MacKay Hall Monday night.
  • Reiman Gardens Looks to the Future with Renovation Projects

    Monday, March 6, 2017
    The plan, dubbed the Sycamore Falls project, is set to develop the 1.25 acres of a hillside on the property. The end result will feature multiple tiers of pools with water cascading between them. The tiers will be surrounded by foliage.
  • Rock Your Body Promotes Positivity and Self Esteem

    Friday, March 3, 2017
    The ISU Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness group, also known as BIEDA nationwide, hopes to eliminate some the of the negative stigmas associated with mental health and help people find the means to love themselves.
  • ISU Senior Explores How to Grow Plants on Mars

    Wednesday, March 1, 2017
    Raegan Hoefler, Iowa State senior in genetics, is conducting a study alongside Thomas Peterson, biology 212 professor, to see if this is plausible by looking at transposable elements. Peterson is a professor and pioneer chair in maize molecular genetics.
  • Sustainapalooza Encourages Students to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

    Wednesday, March 1, 2017
    The Symposium on Sustainability seeks to engage community members in discussions related to research projects, initiatives, events and operations that embrace a sustainable future. The Symposium was sponsored by Iowa State’s Office of Sustainability.
  • New Company Brings Sustainable Makeup to Campus

    Wednesday, March 1, 2017
    Destinie Phomsouvanh, junior in apparel, merchandising and design, hosted a Beautycounter social event last week on the Iowa State campus. Beautycounter, a nationally-recognized brand, is known for its skin care, makeup and other personal care products.
